Materinskaya Plata Msi N1996 Manual

Materinskaya Plata Msi N1996 Manual

Materinskaya Plata Msi N1996 Manual 4,4/5 8340 reviews

A lot of people were looking for N1996 board drivers, thinking that N1996 is the model number for their MSI products, such as MSI motherboards, optical drives, VGA cards and etc. Well, that is not the model number. It signifies that the product may be legally sold in Australia.

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What is N1996 WRITTEN BY Posted on December 13 2016 Lately we have noticed that many our customers were coming to our sites looking for N1996. At first we were also wondering why. So we did Googling, yes, we finally got what they were looking for. They are looking for the motherboards' model names.

Well, we guess that the text printed on the boards to cause this misunderstanding. Now we have to explain what this printed text means. Check the following pictures, you can see A, B, C text.

A is so-called N1996, which is not a model number but a designation of conformity (ACA supplier code), while many customers thought it is the model name but definitely not. B is what we called marketing name, which is always printed on the box cover. C is model name, which is usually used for the BIOS update only, no other special purposes. So, now you can stop searching for N1996 any more, for you won't get any other information about this on our sites.