Great Basin Serial Killer

Great Basin Serial Killer

Great Basin Serial Killer 3,5/5 7830 reviews

Kimmell 's murder may have been part of a pattern of serial murders, known as the Great Basin Murders, which took place between 1983 and 1996. Most of the victims were young women who initially disappeared, only to be later found murdered.

I couldn't help but notice your interesting message, Red. I looked at that unsolved serial murder case through some websites, including APB Online. Here's the web address: Before you click on to it, however, I'd like to mention that upon looking through that web page, I noticed that a picture of one of the victims looked familiar. The name was Lisa Kimmell. She was found dead in a river in Wyoming in the spring of 1988.

Her unsolved murder was featured on Unsolved Mysteries! (Coincidentally, the March 1989 broadcast of that segment was the start of my watching UM!) Interestingly though, the segment makes no mention of her death being related to the Great Basin murders; the GB serial murder case isn't even mentioned in the segment either.

But one significance of Kimmell's death was the fact that her car had personalized license plate which read 'LIL MISS.' The car has never been recovered. I agree that the Great Basin serial murder case would be a good choice for a future Unsolved Mysteries segment. Bringing this one forward because saw Amy Bechtel case on Disappeared.

Her suspected killer is Eaton, the Lil Miss killer who lived in Moneta, WY east of Landers where Amy lived. Eaton is on WY death row. Supposed to be up to 10 other cases, with 4 not identified. Vir2 instruments electri6ity torrent. Many were hitchhikers on interstates in WY, ID, MT, CO, and NV between 1983 and 1997. The last was Tonya Teska, found dead on an on ramp to US 20 in Ucon, ID. Anyone have any more info on these crimes? Eaton won't talk although cellmates have claimed he said he'd killed others over the years.

Here is a recent story:

Virginia Source: As if the image wasn’t creepy enough, the “Bunny Man” is said to harass people at Virginia’s Colchester Overpass. People have said to find dead rabbit carcasses around the bridge, and sightings of the Bunny Man peak around Halloween. Rumor says that the Bunny Man is an inmate who escaped when an asylum was transferring patients via bus. Excerpt: In 1904, an in was shut down by successful petition of the growing population of residents in Fairfax County. During the transfer of inmates to a new facility, one of the fifteen transports crashed; most, including the driver, were killed, ten escaped. A search party found all but one of them. During this time, locals allegedly began to find hundreds of cleanly skinned, half-eaten carcasses of hanging from the trees in the surrounding areas.

Another search of the area was ordered, and the police located the remains of Marcus Wallster, left in a similar fashion to the rabbit carcasses hanging in a nearby tree or under a bridge overpass—also known as the “Bunny Man Bridge” () Washington A man under the alias “Don Cooper” (reported as D.B. Cooper) took a plane hostage in exchange for ransom money.

When he got his cash, he parachuted out of the plane and was never seen again. While authorities *think* he died, the money given to him has been found in circulation, and no body was ever found. Insydeflash windows bios flash utility. Excerpt: Flight 305, approximately one-third full, took off on schedule at 2:50 pm, local time ().

Cooper passed a note to Florence Schaffner, the situated nearest to him in a attached to the stair door. Schaffner, assuming the note contained a lonely businessman’s phone number, dropped it unopened into her purse. Cooper leaned toward her and whispered, “Miss, you’d better look at that note. I have a bomb. West Virginia On Christmas Eve, a fire engulfed the Sodder family home. Firefighters managed to rescue the parents and four of their children. However, five were still missing.

The bodies of the missing five were never recovered, and the Sodder family remained convinced that they were alive. Excerpt: The telephone rang at 12:30 a.m. Jennie woke and went downstairs to answer it. It was a woman whose voice she did not recognize, asking for a name she was not familiar with, with the sound of laughter and clinking glasses in the background.