Ableton Push Dj Template

Ableton Push Dj Template

Ableton Push Dj Template 3,8/5 9252 reviews

Push It Ableton Live $29.00. Go Ableton Live $29.00. Just open a template with Ableton Live and experience how state of the art hit productions are.


Hey guys, This is a little self-promotion - but I know my work with Ableton has been pretty popular here in the past, and I figure that it'll be of interest to some of you guys! I’ve just released a comprehensive performance template for Ableton Live: designed for the Push 2, but useable with the Push 1, the Launchpad Pro, and any similar controller. Priya tatjyani iz operi evgenij onegin noti. All the details & videos are available at Over the last few years I’ve done a bunch of work building live performance systems for jazz musicians, singer-songwriters, DJs, hip-hop artists, and my own project: Coma Cartel.

I’ve learned a lot about using Live with bands, as a solo artist, and as a synthesist. With this template I’ve taken all the techniques I’ve developed and put them into a cohesive whole: designed for a seamless blend of electronic & live performance, and completely useable while playing instruments or singing. The whole thing is built without any custom scripts or MIDI mapping, and it ships with a bunch of material from Coma Cartel that’s used for demonstration. The template itself costs $20, but all the techniques I’ve used are broken down in a series of free tutorial videos that should help other artists learn to reproduce what I’ve done!