4 Klass Itogovij Test Po Russkomu Yaziku

4 Klass Itogovij Test Po Russkomu Yaziku

4 Klass Itogovij Test Po Russkomu Yaziku 4,6/5 7137 reviews

I'll be on vacation ____ next week. Can you tell ____ not to be so rude? ____ wasn't easy to find.

Test (Unit 3) Form 5 Variant 1 • Complete the sentences with the right words: • a lawyer, b) bodyguards,c) a nurse, d) a vet, e) computer programmers, f) a dentist, g) a librarian 1 Some people need to have to protect them and their families. 2 is a person who gives us the books we need. 3 When you have problems with your teeth you must see 4 Some people write their own computer programmes. They are 5 My mum helps sick people in the hospital. She works as 2 Choose the right word to complete each sentence: 1 Linda has got a lot of friends, but only one friend. A)close b)typical c)youth 2 My little brother asks a lot of questions. A)naughty b)independent c)curious 3 Susan would like to be a designer.

It’s a very job. A)creative b)talkative c)traditional 4 Could you give me for one pound, please? A)exchange b)change c) for a change 5 Are you going to take part in the Russian-English students’.?

A)exchange b)change c) for a change 3 Put in the prepositions if necessary: 1 Linda can play the guitar. 2 She gave me an interview a correspondent of a youth magazine. 3 Do you get well your friends?

4 Klass Itogovij Test Po Russkomu Yaziku

4 As Linda’s sister, she is very naughty. 5 Susan is listening music at the moment. 4 Make the opposites of the words. Write un-, in-, im-, non-: friendly, usual, possible, athletic, formal.

5 Make the Present Continuous sentences and questions: 1 (?) Why/they/laugh/? 2 (-) It/rain/now/. 3 (+) I/write/a test/at the moment/. 4 (?) you/wear/jeans/?

The birds/fly/in the sky/. 6 (-) He/ watch/TV/right now/. 6 Choose the correct form of the verbs: • I to work now. A)go b)am going c)will go 2 He swimming every Saturday. A)goes b)is going c)will go 3 doctors sick people in the hospital? A)do treat b)are treating c)did treat 4 you English at the moment? A) do speak b)are speaking c)will speak 5 I to visit my grandparents at the weekend.

A)will b)should c)am going. Test (Unit 3) Form 5 Variant 2 1 Complete the sentences with the right words: a) a computer programmer, b) lawyer, c) a librarian, d) a correspondent, e) a vet, f) farmers, g) a manager 1 You go to see when you have got a problem with your pet dog or cat.

2 If you want to be a good you have to learn a lot of laws. 3 Some have sheep and cows to produce meat and milk. 4 Linda Silvester is giving an interview to of a youth magazine. 5 is a person who manages a business or other activity. 2 Choose the right word to complete each sentence: 1 A real friend should be kind and a)rude b)cruel c)understanding 2 They are a Russian family: a father, a mother and 2 children. A)typical b)athletic c)international 3 My uncle is a fireman.

• Mr.Bitches Comment posted on Tuesday, March 25th, 2014 10:36 am GMT -5 at 10:36 am Top 3 albums to drop on Psychopathic in the last couple years. AMB put it dooooown!!!! IDGAF what anyone has to say about AMB, they’re the shit! 1.AbominationZ 2.Garcia Brothers 3.Medicine bag.Great record,Well worth the 10 Bonez.Everyone killed there features,Beats are slammin,Lyrics are fire.Otis and Bonez killed this one • Jack Sinizter Comment posted on Tuesday, March 25th, 2014 03:52 pm GMT -5 at 3:52 pm I agree with Mr. Axe murder boyz garcia brothers free download youtube. Bitches all the way.